Privacy Policy
Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

xaviercodes: Our Privacy Policy with your interests at heart

At we are committed in protecting your privacy. Any information that you impart to us is used in a responsible manner with the aim of making your experience with us a better one.

Coupons Information Policy

We solicit subscriptions to our newsletters with the sole intent to provide our customers information related to the services and benefits available at Our marketing process involves the use of services like Google ad words and various elements of Google’s marketing facilities. Google’s cookie based system helps us to post advertisements on user sites that may have at any time visited or attempted to click on an application within our websites. However a user is free to opt out of this system with the help of Google’s privacy policy.

At we strive to gain a customer’s trust and hence it is our duty to provide customers an open policy that governs our terms and conditions. Once you visit our website and process any application, we solicit information from you through our cookie based follow up system which helps us to improve in devising ways and means to provide you an improved experience on our website